Hypnosis for Anxiety, Does it Work?

Dealing with daily life can be stressful. You have work, school, relationships and family, which can all cause or even worsen symptoms of anxiety.

Anxiety disorders are a mental illness that affects about 40 million American adults annually. That’s a little over 18% of the adult population.

Needless to say, this is a major concern, especially since it can lead to other hazards and health concerns. Such as depression, suicide, and cardiovascular problems.

So what can we do about any of it? Well, some are turning to hypnosis for anxiety. But does it really work?

Let’s find out.

How Hypnotherapy Can Treat Anxiety

When you use hypnosis for anxiety, you’re attacking the underlying emotions associated with your condition. So during the first session, the source of the anxiety is identified.

This is normally done using age regression. For instance, you begin with your current situation, then work your way back in time to find the source (triggering event).

Once this is found, questions are asked to see what feelings occur. For example, if the triggering event is public speaking, then the feelings may be fear, shame or panic.

And in some instances, the feeling can be felt physically, like within the stomach or chest.

During hypnosis, you’re taken back to the triggering event. A different experience is created, so new feelings emerge.

Over time, this can help you to feel more at ease during public events, or whatever the cause of your anxiety.

Types of Anxiety Hypnosis Can Treat

Now, there are four different types of anxiety issues hypnosis is known to help. There’s physical tensions, emotional strain, sleeping issues and phobic reactions.

Let’s quickly review them.

Physical Tension

It’s common for physical tension to be related to emotional tension. Hypnosis is used to alter your beliefs about the triggers of your anxiety. And this is done by implanting suggestions to make you feel comfortable in these triggering situations.

This can, in turn, help your physical symptoms, such as rapid breathing, rapid heart rate and shaking.

Emotional Strain

When you’re in a constant state of anxiety, it can strain your emotional state. So if you’re experiencing moodiness, this could be why.

This is because the anxiety drains you and puts you on edge. Through hypnotic suggestions, you can learn to alter your negative beliefs and replace them with helpful ones.

So instead of discontentment, you will feel happy and content.

Sleeping Problems

Difficulty sleeping is common among American households, thanks to daily stressors. Trying to fall asleep can be difficult when you’re in an anxious state.

Or you may be able to fall asleep, but may be awakened by nightmares or negative thoughts. Again, hypnosis helps you to control your thoughts and feelings, so you can get a good night’s rest.

Phobic Reactions

Now, you’ve likely heard of people with crazy phobias, like a fear of balloons or even a fear of falling asleep. But some of us have typical phobias, like spiders and large public places.

If your phobias are persistent enough, it can lead to built up anxiety. Hypnosis can slowly replace your illogical beliefs with logically sound beliefs.

Learning Hypnosis for Anxiety

Hypnosis techniques are useful tools you can use on yourself and others. Maybe you know someone with phobia or insomnia.

If that’s the case, you should consider learning more about hypnosis. You can do so by visiting Learn About Hypnosis. Some of our customers are able to learn hypnosis in as little as 7 days.
